LDG Events

LDG Program for the academic year 2014-15

19 and 20 September 2014 (Friday and Saturday)

Canonicity and Social Canons in the Pre-Modern Levant: Early Hebrew scripture as a case study for the fabrication of symbolic hegemony.

International workshop (description and program).

Venue: Gabelshus Hotell.

6 to 8 October 2014 (Monday to Wednesday)

Appraisal of Robert Redfield's "Great and Little Traditions" Framework for Theorizing Long-term Historical Processes in the Pre-Modern Levant.

International workshop (description and program).

Venue: University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology, Blindernveien 9.

17 October (Friday)

Consultation at CAS with Francis Landy, Alberta University.

4 November (Tuesday)

Consultation at CAS with Aleida and Jan Assmann, University of Konstanz.

Thursday 6 November

Lunch seminar at CAS: LDG Presented by Diana Edelman for the other CAS groups and fellows.

11 to 14 November (Tuesday to Friday)

The Social in the Past – Things, Texts, and Networks:
A Material Approach to the Pre-Modern

International workshop (description and preliminary program).
Venue: University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology, Blinderveien 9.

Saturday 6 December

Presentation of 4 LDG projects for the annual meeting of Norsk Gammeltestamentlig Selskap (NGTS – the Norwegian Old Testament Society).

Venue: MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo. (Presentations by Øystein LaBianca, Diana Edelman, Kåre Berge, Terje Stordalen.)

2 to 5 March 2015 (Monday to Thursday)

The Cave and the Empire – Agentns of Global History in the Pre-Modern Levant.

International workshop.

Venue: To Be Announced.

22 to 24 April 2015 (Wednesday to Friday)

Contested Desires: Figuration and Sensation  across Abrahamic Traditions.

International workshop.

Venue: UiO (to be confirmed).

Wednesday 29 April

Consultation with Philip Davies, Sheffield University: Canon and Politics.

Phil will talk both on the politics of the formation of the classical Hebrew Scriptures, and also on the politics of these scriptures making up the curriculum of a current university discipline.

18 to 22 May 2015 (Monday to Friday)

Intensive internal workshop on the LDG joint volume – combined with experiencing the fruit blossoming in Western Norway.

Venue: Brakanes Hotel in Ulvik, Hardanger. http://www.brakanes-hotel.com/en/