Doctoral Projects Advised by Terje Stordalen


University professors are in the happy position that they would be invited to share – and presumably advise –  the research processes of talented young scholars. I have had the good fortune to serve as advisors for the following projects:

Ongoing Projects

Stefanie Schön is working on a PhD project on hermeneutic and epistemic aspects of feminist interpretations of Hosea 1–3. The project is, since 2010, located at the Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo, and I serve as co-adviser. The main adviser is professor Jorunn Økland at the Centre or Gender Research.

Petter Skippervold is working on a PhD project on non-formalised learning as reflected in biblical Hebrew literature. The project is located at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo.

Kari Zakkariassen is working on a PhD project called Trees of Knowledge, oriented towards the tree as a symbol for communication with the invisible, and in particular the dead.

Completed Projects

Dr. Aike Rots is completed his project Forests of the Gods: Shinto, Nature, and Sacred Space in Contemporary Japan at the University of Oslo, in February 2014. Aike has been a PhD fellow at the Department for Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, and associated to PluRel. I served as the co-adviser, with a particular responsibility to follow theoretical aspects of Aike’s work.

Dr. Øystein Lund completed his project "Min vei er skjult for JHWH": Veimetaforikk og veitematikk i Jesaja 40-55” at MF Norwegian School of Theology in 2004. The book was eventually published as Way Metaphors and Way Topics in isaiah 40–55 (Mohr, Tübingen) in 2007.

Dr. Hanne Løland completed her project Silent or Salient Gender? The Interpretation of Gendered God-Language in the Hebrew Bible, Exemplified in Isaiah 42,46, and 49 at MF Norwegian School of Theology in 2007. This book was eventually also published by Mohr, Tübingen, in 2008.

Dr. Gard Granerød completed his project Abraham, Melchizedek and Chedorlaomer: An Attempt to Read Genesis 14 as the Work of Scribal Activity in Second Temple Times at MF Norwegian School of Theology in 2008. [Since I left MF during Gard’s work, I did not supervise this project to the end.]

As the co-ordinator of OTSEM during the years 2004-2011, I had the great pleasure of following a large number of PhD, Dr. theol., and various post doctoral projects.

Master Level Projects

At the Faculty of Theology in Oslo I have had the good fortune to supervise a number of Master dissertations, among them the excellent projects of Steinar Skarpnes (on Qoheleth), Kari Zakkariassen (on Mother Earth in Biblical literature), Sindre Hasselknippe (on Job 42:2-7), and Sara Moss (on children’s Bibles in Norwegian). All these were awarded top grades in their final examinations, while Frank Willy Vindløv Larsen is still working on his project on Elder Laws in Deuteronomy in view of Bourdieu’s theory of social fields.

During my time in Hong Kong, I supervised four MTh projects, MTh being the degree that one took between MDiv and PhD level, and the dissertation being a one year full study with independent research agenda. Among my students were the excellent students Ben Chang (Hong Kong, China) and Sonal Christian (India).